Source code for nti.externalization.datastructures

# cython: auto_pickle=False,embedsignature=True,always_allow_keywords=False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
Datastructures to help externalization.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# There are a *lot* of fixme (XXX and the like) in this file.
# Turn those off in general so we can see through the noise.
# pylint:disable=fixme
# pylint:disable=keyword-arg-before-vararg

# stdlib imports
import numbers
import warnings

import six
from six import iteritems
from zope import interface
from zope import schema
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.schema.interfaces import SchemaNotProvided
from zope.schema.interfaces import IDict
from zope.schema.interfaces import IObject

from nti.schema.interfaces import find_most_derived_interface

from .interfaces import IInternalObjectExternalizer
from .interfaces import IInternalObjectIO
from .interfaces import IInternalObjectIOFinder
from .interfaces import IAnonymousObjectFactory
from .interfaces import StandardInternalFields

# Things imported from cython with matching cimport
from .externalization.dictionary import to_minimal_standard_external_dictionary
from .externalization.dictionary import internal_to_standard_external_dictionary
# Must rename this so it doesn't conflict with method defs;
# that breaks cython
from .externalization.externalizer import to_external_object as _toExternalObject

from .internalization import validate_named_field_value
from .internalization.factories import find_factory_for
from .representation import make_repr
from .factory import AnonymousObjectFactory

from ._base_interfaces import get_standard_external_fields
from ._base_interfaces import get_standard_internal_fields
from ._base_interfaces import get_default_externalization_policy
from ._base_interfaces import NotGiven

from ._interface_cache import cache_for

StandardExternalFields = get_standard_external_fields()
StandardInternalFields = get_standard_internal_fields()
DEFAULT_EXTERNALIZATION_POLICY = get_default_externalization_policy()
IDict_providedBy = IDict.providedBy
IObject_providedBy = IObject.providedBy

__all__ = [

[docs]class ExternalizableDictionaryMixin(object): """ Implements a toExternalDictionary method as a base for subclasses. """ #: If true, then when asked for the standard dictionary, we will instead #: produce the *minimal* dictionary. See :func:`~to_minimal_standard_external_dictionary` __external_use_minimal_base__ = False
[docs] def _ext_replacement(self): """ Return the object that we are externalizing. This class returns ``self``, but subclasses will typically override this. """ return self
def _ext_standard_external_dictionary(self, replacement, mergeFrom=None, **kwargs): if self.__external_use_minimal_base__: return to_minimal_standard_external_dictionary(replacement, mergeFrom=mergeFrom) return internal_to_standard_external_dictionary( replacement, mergeFrom=mergeFrom, decorate=kwargs.get('decorate', True), request=kwargs.get('request', NotGiven), decorate_callback=kwargs.get('decorate_callback', NotGiven), policy=kwargs.get("policy", DEFAULT_EXTERNALIZATION_POLICY), )
[docs] def toExternalDictionary(self, mergeFrom=None, *unused_args, **kwargs): """ Produce the standard external dictionary for this object. Uses `_ext_replacement`. """ return self._ext_standard_external_dictionary(self._ext_replacement(), mergeFrom=mergeFrom, **kwargs)
[docs]class StandardInternalObjectExternalizer(ExternalizableDictionaryMixin): """ An *adapter* that can be used to implement :class:`~nti.externalization.interfaces.IInternalObjectExternalizer`. The result of externalizing is the standard external dictionary for this adapter's *context* argument. This can be registered as-is, or subclassed to add additional items in the external dictionary. In that case, always begin by calling this implemention first and updating the result. .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 """ def __init__(self, context): """ The constructor sets ``__external_can_create__`` to `False` (because creating from just an externalizer makes no sense) and ``__external_class_name__`` to `None` (if you override this value, it will replace the ``Class`` value in the returned dictionary; it *must* be a native `str`). """ self.context = context self.__external_can_create__ = False self.__external_class_name__ = None
[docs] def _ext_replacement(self): """ Returns this adapter's *context* argument. """ return self.context
def toExternalObject(self, **kwargs): result = self.toExternalDictionary(**kwargs) if self.__external_class_name__: result[StandardExternalFields.CLASS] = self.__external_class_name__ return result
interface.classImplements(StandardInternalObjectExternalizer, IInternalObjectExternalizer)
[docs]class AbstractDynamicObjectIO(ExternalizableDictionaryMixin): """ Base class for objects that externalize based on dynamic information. Abstractions are in place to allow subclasses to map external and internal names independently (this type never uses getattr/setattr/hasattr, except for some standard fields). See `InterfaceObjectIO` for a complete implementation. """ # TODO: there should be some better way to customize this if desired (an explicit list) # TODO: Play well with __slots__ # TODO: This won't evolve well. Need something more sophisticated, # probably a meta class. # Avoid things super handles # These all *should* be frozenset() and immutable _excluded_out_ivars_ = frozenset({ StandardInternalFields.ID, StandardExternalFields.ID, StandardInternalFields.CREATOR, StandardExternalFields.CREATOR, StandardInternalFields.CONTAINER_ID, 'lastModified', StandardInternalFields.LAST_MODIFIEDU, StandardInternalFields.CREATED_TIME, 'links' }) _excluded_in_ivars_ = frozenset({ StandardInternalFields.ID, StandardExternalFields.ID, StandardExternalFields.OID, StandardInternalFields.CREATOR, StandardExternalFields.CREATOR, StandardInternalFields.LAST_MODIFIED, StandardInternalFields.LAST_MODIFIEDU, # Also the IDCTimes created/modified values 'created', 'modified', StandardExternalFields.CLASS, StandardInternalFields.CONTAINER_ID }) _ext_primitive_out_ivars_ = frozenset() _prefer_oid_ = False
[docs] def find_factory_for_named_value(self, key, value): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Uses `.find_factory_for` to locate a factory. This does not take into account the current object (context) or the *key*. It only handles finding factories based on the class or MIME type found within *value*. """ return find_factory_for(value)
[docs] def _ext_replacement(self): # Redeclare this here for cython return self
[docs] def _ext_all_possible_keys(self): """ This method must return a `frozenset` of native strings. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _ext_setattr(self, ext_self, k, value): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _ext_getattr(self, ext_self, k, default=NotGiven): """ _ext_getattr(object, name[, default]) -> value Return the attribute of the *ext_self* object with the internal name *name*. If the attribute does not exist, should raise (typically :exc:`AttributeError`), unless *default* is given, in which case it returns that. .. versionchanged:: 1.0a4 Add the *default* argument. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _ext_replacement_getattr(self, name, default=NotGiven): """ Like `_ext_getattr`, but automatically fills in `_ext_replacement` for the *ext_self* argument. .. versionadded:: 1.0a4 """ return self._ext_getattr(self._ext_replacement(), name, default)
[docs] def _ext_keys(self): """ Return only the names of attributes that should be externalized. These values will be used as keys in the external dictionary. See :meth:`_ext_all_possible_keys`. This implementation then filters out *private* attributes (those beginning with an underscore), and those listed in ``_excluded_in_ivars_``. This method must return a set of native strings. """ # Sadly, we cannot yet enforce what type _excluded_out_ivars_ is. # Mostly it is a set or frozen set (depending on how it was # combined with the declaration in this class) but some overrides # in the wild have it as a tuple. We need a metaclass to fix that. excluded = self._excluded_out_ivars_ return [k for k in self._ext_all_possible_keys() if (k not in excluded # specifically excluded and not k.startswith('_'))] # private
# and not callable(getattr(ext_self,k)))] # avoid functions
[docs] def _ext_primitive_keys(self): """ Return a container of string keys whose values are known to be primitive. This is an optimization for writing. This method must return a frozenset. """ return self._ext_primitive_out_ivars_
[docs] def toExternalDictionary(self, mergeFrom=None, *unused_args, **kwargs): result = super(AbstractDynamicObjectIO, self).toExternalDictionary(mergeFrom=mergeFrom, **kwargs) ext_self = self._ext_replacement() primitive_ext_keys = self._ext_primitive_keys() for k in self._ext_keys(): if k in result: # Standard key already added continue ext_val = attr_val = self._ext_getattr(ext_self, k) __traceback_info__ = k, attr_val if k not in primitive_ext_keys: ext_val = _toExternalObject(attr_val, **kwargs) result[k] = ext_val if ext_val is not attr_val: # We want to be sure things we externalize have the # right parent relationship but if we are directly # externalizing an existing object (e.g., primitive or # something that uses a replacement) we don't want to # change the relationship or even set one in the first # place---if the object gets pickled later on, that # could really screw things up (One symptom is # InvalidObjectReference from ZODB across # transactions/tests) if ILocation.providedBy( # result[k] ): (throwing is faster than providedBy) try: ext_val.__parent__ = ext_self except AttributeError: # toExternalObject is schizophrenic about when it converts # return values to LocatedExternalDict/List. Sometimes it # does, sometimes it does not. pass if (StandardExternalFields.ID in result and StandardExternalFields.OID in result and self._prefer_oid_ and result[StandardExternalFields.ID] != result[StandardExternalFields.OID]): result[StandardExternalFields.ID] = result[StandardExternalFields.OID] return result
def toExternalObject(self, mergeFrom=None, *args, **kwargs): return self.toExternalDictionary(mergeFrom, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _ext_accept_update_key(self, k, ext_self, ext_keys): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Returns whether or not this key should be accepted for setting on the object, or silently ignored. :param ext_keys: As an optimization, the value of :meth:`_ext_all_possible_keys` is passed. Keys are only accepted if they are in this list. """ return k not in self._excluded_in_ivars_ and k in ext_keys
[docs] def _ext_accept_external_id(self, ext_self, parsed): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ If the object we're updating does not have an ``id`` set, but there is an ``ID`` in the external object, should we be able to use it? :return: boolean """ return False # false by default
def updateFromExternalObject(self, parsed, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs): return self._updateFromExternalObject(parsed) def _updateFromExternalObject(self, parsed): updated = False ext_self = self._ext_replacement() ext_keys = self._ext_all_possible_keys() for k, v in iteritems(parsed): if not self._ext_accept_update_key(k, ext_self, ext_keys): continue __traceback_info__ = (k, v) self._ext_setattr(ext_self, k, v) updated = True # TODO: Should these go through _ext_setattr? if (StandardExternalFields.CONTAINER_ID in parsed and getattr(ext_self, StandardInternalFields.CONTAINER_ID, parsed) is None): setattr(ext_self, StandardInternalFields.CONTAINER_ID, parsed[StandardExternalFields.CONTAINER_ID]) if (StandardExternalFields.CREATOR in parsed and getattr(ext_self, StandardInternalFields.CREATOR, parsed) is None): setattr(ext_self, StandardInternalFields.CREATOR, parsed[StandardExternalFields.CREATOR]) if (StandardExternalFields.ID in parsed and getattr(ext_self, StandardInternalFields.ID, parsed) is None and self._ext_accept_external_id(ext_self, parsed)): setattr(ext_self, StandardInternalFields.ID, parsed[StandardExternalFields.ID]) return updated
interface.classImplements(AbstractDynamicObjectIO, IInternalObjectIOFinder) class _ExternalizableInstanceDict(AbstractDynamicObjectIO): # TODO: there should be some better way to customize this if desired (an explicit list) # TODO: Play well with __slots__? ZODB supports slots, but doesn't recommend them # TODO: This won't evolve well. Need something more sophisticated, # probably a meta class. _update_accepts_type_attrs = False def __init__(self, context): self.context = context for name in ( '_update_accepts_type_attrs', '__external_use_minimal_base__', '_excluded_in_ivars_', '_excluded_out_ivars_', '_ext_primitive_out_ivars_', '_prefer_oid_' ): try: v = getattr(context, name) except AttributeError: continue else: setattr(self, name, v) def _ext_replacement(self): return self.context def _ext_all_possible_keys(self): # Be sure that this returns native strings, even if the dict # has unicode (Python 2) or bytes (Python 3) values. # Because we are likely to turn around and pass the strings # we return here to _ext_getattr(), the best solution is to actually # fix the dict if we find any broken attributes; Python 3 would fail # if we encode a bytes value in the dict and then ask for it by string. ext_self = self._ext_replacement() ext_dict = ext_self.__dict__ # Do our best to avoid copying in the common case that no # fixup is needed for key in ext_dict: if not isinstance(key, str): # fixup if hasattr(ext_self, '_p_changed'): ext_self._p_changed = 1 for k in list(ext_dict): if not isinstance(k, str): new_k = k.encode('ascii') if not isinstance(k, bytes) else k.decode('ascii') val = ext_dict.pop(k) ext_dict[new_k] = val break return frozenset(ext_dict) def _ext_getattr(self, ext_self, k, default=NotGiven): if default is NotGiven: return getattr(ext_self, k) return getattr(ext_self, k, default) def _ext_setattr(self, ext_self, k, value): setattr(ext_self, k, value) def _ext_accept_update_key(self, k, ext_self, ext_keys): return ( super(_ExternalizableInstanceDict, self)._ext_accept_update_key(k, ext_self, ext_keys) or (self._update_accepts_type_attrs and hasattr(ext_self, k)) )
[docs]class ExternalizableInstanceDict(object): """ Externalizes to a dictionary containing the members of ``__dict__`` that do not start with an underscore. Meant to be used as a super class; also can be used as an external object superclass. Consider carefully before using this class. Generally, an interface and `InterfaceObjectIO` are better. .. versionchanged:: 1.0a5 No longer extends `AbstractDynamicObjectIO`, just delegates to it. Most of the `_ext_`` prefixed methods can no longer be overridden. """ # This class is sometimes subclassed while also subclassing persistent.Persistent, # which doesn't work if it's an extension class with an incompatible layout, # as AbstractDynamicObjectIO is, so we can't subclass that. It's rarely used, # so performance doesn't matter as much. # pylint:disable=protected-access _update_accepts_type_attrs = _ExternalizableInstanceDict._update_accepts_type_attrs __external_use_minimal_base__ = _ExternalizableInstanceDict.__external_use_minimal_base__ _excluded_out_ivars_ = AbstractDynamicObjectIO._excluded_out_ivars_ _excluded_in_ivars_ = AbstractDynamicObjectIO._excluded_in_ivars_ _ext_primitive_out_ivars_ = AbstractDynamicObjectIO._ext_primitive_out_ivars_ _prefer_oid_ = AbstractDynamicObjectIO._prefer_oid_
[docs] def _ext_replacement(self): "See `ExternalizableDictionaryMixin._ext_replacement`." return self
def __make_io(self): return _ExternalizableInstanceDict(self._ext_replacement()) def __getattr__(self, name): # here if we didn't have the attribute. Does our IO? return getattr(self.__make_io(), name)
[docs] def updateFromExternalObject(self, parsed, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs): "See `~.IInternalObjectIO.updateFromExternalObject`" self.__make_io().updateFromExternalObject(parsed)
[docs] def toExternalObject(self, mergeFrom=None, *args, **kwargs): "See `~.IInternalObjectIO.toExternalObject`. Calls `toExternalDictionary`." return self.toExternalDictionary(mergeFrom, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def toExternalDictionary(self, mergeFrom=None, *unused_args, **kwargs): "See `ExternalizableDictionaryMixin.toExternalDictionary`" return self.__make_io().toExternalDictionary(mergeFrom, **kwargs)
__repr__ = make_repr()
interface.classImplements(ExternalizableInstanceDict, IInternalObjectIO) _primitives = six.string_types + (numbers.Number, bool) class _AnonymousDictFactory(AnonymousObjectFactory): __external_factory_wants_arg__ = True @staticmethod def default_factory(value): return value
[docs]class InterfaceObjectIO(AbstractDynamicObjectIO): """ Externalizes the *context* to a dictionary based on getting the attributes of an object defined by an interface. If any attribute has a true value for the tagged value ``_ext_excluded_out``, it will not be considered for reading or writing. This is an implementation of `~nti.externalization.interfaces.IInternalObjectIOFinder`, meaning it can both internalize (update existing objects) and externalize (producing dictionaries), and that it gets to choose the factories used for sub-objects when internalizing. This class is meant to be used as an adapter, so it accepts the object to externalize in the constructor, as well as the interface to use to guide the process. The object is externalized using the most-derived version of the interface given to the constructor that it implements. If the interface (or an ancestor) has a tagged value ``__external_class_name__``, it can either be the value to use for the ``Class`` key, or a callable ``__external_class_name__(interface, object ) -> name.`` (TODO: In the future extend this to multiple, non-overlapping interfaces, and better interface detection (see :class:`ModuleScopedInterfaceObjectIO` for a limited version of this.) This class overrides `_ext_replacement` to return the *context*. """ _ext_iface_upper_bound = None def __init__(self, context, iface_upper_bound=None, validate_after_update=True): """ :param iface_upper_bound: The upper bound on the schema to use to externalize `ext_self`; we will use the most derived sub-interface of this interface that the object implements. Subclasses can either override this constructor to pass this parameter (while taking one argument themselves, to be usable as an adapter), or they can define the class attribute ``_ext_iface_upper_bound`` :param bool validate_after_update: If ``True`` (the default) then the entire schema will be validated after an object has been updated with :meth:`update_from_external_object`, not just the keys that were assigned. """ AbstractDynamicObjectIO.__init__(self) self._ext_self = context # Cache all of this data that we use. It's required often and, if not quite a bottleneck, # does show up in the profiling data cache = cache_for(self, context) if cache.iface is None: cache.iface = self._ext_find_schema( context, iface_upper_bound if iface_upper_bound is not None else self._ext_iface_upper_bound ) self._iface = cache.iface if not cache.ext_primitive_out_ivars: keys = self._ext_find_primitive_keys() primitives = self._ext_primitive_out_ivars_ if not isinstance(primitives, frozenset): warnings.warn( "Class %r should have a frozenset for _ext_primitive_out_ivars_." "Make InterfaceObjectIO._ext_primitive_out_ivars_ the LHS of the | operator." "This will be a TypeError in the future" % ( type(self) ), FutureWarning, ) primitives = frozenset(primitives) cache.ext_primitive_out_ivars = primitives | keys self._ext_primitive_out_ivars_ = cache.ext_primitive_out_ivars self.validate_after_update = validate_after_update def __repr__(self): return '<%s.%s for %r at 0x%x>' % ( type(self).__module__, type(self).__name__, self.schema, id(self) ) @property def schema(self): """ The schema we will use to guide the process """ return self._iface def _ext_find_schema(self, ext_self, iface_upper_bound): return find_most_derived_interface(ext_self, iface_upper_bound, possibilities=self._ext_schemas_to_consider(ext_self)) def _ext_find_primitive_keys(self): result = set() for n in self._ext_all_possible_keys(): field = self._iface[n] field_type = getattr(field, '_type', None) if field_type is not None: if isinstance(field_type, tuple): # Cython doesn't like a generator here # ("local variable 'field_type' referenced before assignment") # pylint:disable=use-a-generator if all([issubclass(x, _primitives) for x in field_type]): result.add(n) elif issubclass(field_type, _primitives): result.add(n) return frozenset(result) def _ext_schemas_to_consider(self, ext_self): return interface.providedBy(ext_self)
[docs] def _ext_replacement(self): return self._ext_self
[docs] def _ext_all_possible_keys(self): cache = cache_for(self, self._ext_self) if cache.ext_all_possible_keys is None: iface = self._iface is_method = interface.interfaces.IMethod.providedBy cache.ext_all_possible_keys = frozenset([ n for n in iface.names(all=True) if (not is_method(iface[n]) # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter and not iface[n].queryTaggedValue('_ext_excluded_out', False)) ]) return cache.ext_all_possible_keys
[docs] def _ext_getattr(self, ext_self, k, default=NotGiven): # TODO: Should this be directed through IField.get? if default is NotGiven: return getattr(ext_self, k) return getattr(ext_self, k, default)
def _ext_setattr(self, ext_self, k, value): validate_named_field_value(ext_self, self._iface, k, value)()
[docs] def _ext_accept_external_id(self, ext_self, parsed): """ If the interface we're working from has a tagged value of ``__external_accept_id__`` on the ``id`` field, then this will return that value; otherwise, returns false. """ cache = cache_for(self, ext_self) if cache.ext_accept_external_id is None: try: field = cache.iface['id'] cache.ext_accept_external_id = field.getTaggedValue('__external_accept_id__') except KeyError: cache.ext_accept_external_id = False return cache.ext_accept_external_id
[docs] def find_factory_for_named_value(self, key, value): """ If `AbstractDynamicObjectIO.find_factory_for_named_value` cannot find a factory based on examining *value*, then we use the context objects's schema to find a factory. If the schema contains an attribute named *key*, it will be queried for the tagged value ``__external_factory__``. If present, this tagged value should be the name of a factory object implementing `.IAnonymousObjectFactory` registered in *registry* (typically registered in the global site). The ZCML directive `.IAnonymousObjectFactoryDirective` sets up both the registration and the tagged value. This is useful for internalizing data from external sources that does not provide a class or MIME field within the data. The most obvious limitation of this is that if the *value* is part of a sequence, it must be a homogeneous sequence. The factory is called with no arguments, so the only way to deal with heterogeneous sequences is to subclass this object and override this method to examine the value itself. A second limitation is that the external data key must match the internal schema field name. Again, the only way to remove this limitation is to subclass this object. If no registered factory is found, and the schema field is a `zope.schema.Dict` with a value type of `zope.schema.Object`, then we return a factory which will update the object in place. .. versionchanged:: 1.0a6 Only return an anonymous factory for ``IDict`` fields when it wants objects for the value. """ factory = AbstractDynamicObjectIO.find_factory_for_named_value(self, key, value) if factory is None: # pylint:disable=too-many-nested-blocks # Is there a factory on the field? # TODO: Simplify this. try: field = self._iface[key] # See # This *should* be a string giving the dottedname of a factory utility. # For test purposes we also allow it to be an actual object. # TODO: If this becomes a bottleneck, the ZCML could # have an argument global=False to allow setting the type # directly instead of a string; the user would have to # *know* that no sites would ever need a different value. except KeyError: pass else: factory = field.queryTaggedValue('__external_factory__') # When it is a string, we require the factory to exist. # Anything else is a programming error. if isinstance(factory, str): factory = getUtility(IAnonymousObjectFactory, factory) if ( factory is None and IDict_providedBy(field) # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter and isinstance(value, dict) and IObject_providedBy(field.value_type) # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter ): # If is no factory found, check to see if the # schema field is a Dict with a complex value type, and if # so, automatically update it in place. The alternative # requires the user to use a ZCML directive for each such # dict field. value_schema = field.value_type.schema default_impl = value_schema.queryTaggedValue( '__external_default_implementation__' ) if default_impl is not None: # Add MimeType if it's missing, so we can find the correct factories and # updaters. mime_type = default_impl.mimeType for nested_value in value.values(): if (StandardExternalFields.MIMETYPE not in nested_value and StandardExternalFields.CLASS not in nested_value): nested_value[StandardExternalFields.MIMETYPE] = mime_type factory = _AnonymousDictFactory(title=key, interfaces=(value_schema,)) field.setTaggedValue('__external_factory__', factory) return factory
def updateFromExternalObject(self, parsed, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs): result = AbstractDynamicObjectIO._updateFromExternalObject(self, parsed) # If we make it this far, then validate the object. # TODO: Should probably just make sure that there are no /new/ # validation errors added Best we can do right now is skip # this step if asked # TODO: Swizzle this method at runtime to be in this object's # dict, so we can elide the check. if self.validate_after_update: self._validate_after_update(self._iface, self._ext_self) return result def _validate_after_update(self, iface, ext_self): errors = schema.getValidationErrors(iface, ext_self) if errors: __traceback_info__ = errors try: raise errors[0][1] except SchemaNotProvided as e: # pragma: no cover # XXX: We shouldn't be able to get here; # ext_setattr should be doing this # This can probably be removed if not e.args: # zope.schema doesn't fill in the details, which sucks e.args = (errors[0][0],) raise def toExternalObject(self, mergeFrom=None, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ ext_class_name = None # Walk up the tree, checking each one to see if ``__external__class_name__`` exists # and wants to provide a value. The walking up is what ``queryTaggedValue`` would do, # but we want to check each one in turn in case a subclass turns down but a superclass # accepts. for iface in self._iface.__iro__: ext_class_name = iface.queryDirectTaggedValue('__external_class_name__') if callable(ext_class_name): # Even though the tagged value may have come from a superclass, # give the actual class (interface) we're using ext_class_name = ext_class_name(self._iface, self._ext_replacement()) if ext_class_name: break if ext_class_name: mergeFrom = mergeFrom if mergeFrom is not None else {} mergeFrom[StandardExternalFields.CLASS] = ext_class_name result = super(InterfaceObjectIO, self).toExternalObject(mergeFrom=mergeFrom, **kwargs) return result
[docs]class ModuleScopedInterfaceObjectIO(InterfaceObjectIO): """ Only considers the interfaces provided within a given module (usually declared as a class attribute) when searching for the schema to use to externalize an object; the most derived version of interfaces within that module will be used. Subclasses must declare the class attribute ``_ext_search_module`` to be a module (something with the ``__name__``) attribute to locate interfaces in. Suitable for use when all the externalizable fields of interest are declared by an interface within a module, and an object does not implement two unrelated interfaces from the same module. .. note:: If the object does implement unrelated interfaces, but one (set) of them is a marker interface (featuring no schema fields or attributes), then it can be tagged with ``_ext_is_marker_interface`` and it will be excluded when determining the most derived interfaces. This can correct some cases that would otherwise raise a TypeError. This tag is not inherited. """ _ext_search_module = None def _ext_find_schema(self, ext_self, iface_upper_bound): # If the upper bound is given, then let the super class handle it all. # Presumably the user has given the correct branch to search. if iface_upper_bound is not None: return super(ModuleScopedInterfaceObjectIO, self)._ext_find_schema( ext_self, iface_upper_bound) most_derived = super(ModuleScopedInterfaceObjectIO, self)._ext_find_schema( ext_self, interface.Interface) # In theory, this is now the most derived interface. # If we have a graph that is not a tree, though, it may not be. # In that case, we are not suitable for use with this object. # TODO: This algorithm can and should be better in some cases, following the # C3 algorithm that __sro__ derivation itself uses. for iface in self._ext_schemas_to_consider(ext_self): if iface is most_derived: # Support interfaces that have their __module__ changed # dynamically (e.g., test_benchmarks) continue if not most_derived.isOrExtends(iface): raise TypeError( "Most derived interface %s does not extend %s; non-tree interface structure. " "Searching module %s and considered %s on object %s of class %s and type %s" % (most_derived, iface, self._ext_search_module, list(self._ext_schemas_to_consider(ext_self)), ext_self, ext_self.__class__, type(ext_self))) return most_derived def _ext_schemas_to_consider(self, ext_self): search_module_name = self._ext_search_module.__name__ return [x for x in interface.providedBy(ext_self) if x.__module__ == search_module_name and not x.queryDirectTaggedValue('_ext_is_marker_interface')]
# pylint:disable=wrong-import-position,wrong-import-order from nti.externalization._compat import import_c_accel import_c_accel(globals(), 'nti.externalization._datastructures')