Source code for nti.externalization.externalization.standard_fields

# cython: auto_pickle=False,embedsignature=True,always_allow_keywords=False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to find standard fields.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# pylint:disable=inconsistent-return-statements

from datetime import datetime as DateTime
from calendar import timegm as dt_tuple_to_unix

from six import text_type

from zope.dublincore.interfaces import IDCTimes
from import system_user
from import IPrincipal

from nti.externalization._base_interfaces import get_standard_external_fields
from nti.externalization._base_interfaces import get_standard_internal_fields
from nti.externalization._base_interfaces import get_default_externalization_policy

from .fields import choose_field

StandardExternalFields = get_standard_external_fields()
StandardInternalFields = get_standard_internal_fields()
DEFAULT_EXTERNALIZATION_POLICY = get_default_externalization_policy()

_SYSTEM_USER_NAME = getattr(system_user, 'title').lower()
SYSTEM_USER_NAME = _SYSTEM_USER_NAME # Export from cython to python
del system_user

IPrincipal_providedBy = IPrincipal.providedBy
del IPrincipal

def datetime_to_unix_time(dt):
    if dt is not None:
        return dt_tuple_to_unix(dt.utctimetuple())

_datetime_to_string = None

def datetime_to_string(dt):
    global _datetime_to_string # pylint:disable=global-statement
    if _datetime_to_string is None:
        from nti.externalization.datetime import datetime_to_string as dts
        _datetime_to_string = dts
    if dt is not None:
        return _datetime_to_string(dt).toExternalObject()

def timestamp_to_string(ts):
    return datetime_to_string(DateTime.utcfromtimestamp(ts))



[docs]def get_last_modified_time(context, default=None, policy=DEFAULT_EXTERNALIZATION_POLICY, _write_into=None): """ Find and return a number representing the time since the epoch in fractional seconds at which the ``context`` was last modified. This is the same value that is used by :func:`to_standard_external_dictionary`, and takes into account whether something is :class:`nti.dataserver.interfaces.ILastModified` or :class:`zope.dublincore.interfaces.IDCTimes`. :return: A number if it can be found, or the value of ``default`` """ # The _write_into argument is for the benefit of # to_standard_external_dictionary holder = _write_into if _write_into is not None else {} choose_field(holder, context, StandardExternalFields.LAST_MODIFIED, timestamp_to_string if policy.use_iso8601_for_unix_timestamp else None, _LAST_MOD_FIELDS, # sup_iface, sup_fields, sup_converter IDCTimes, _LAST_MOD_SUP_FIELDS, (datetime_to_string if policy.use_iso8601_for_unix_timestamp else datetime_to_unix_time)) return holder.get(StandardExternalFields.LAST_MODIFIED, default)
_CREATED_TIME_FIELDS = ( StandardInternalFields.CREATED_TIME, ) _CREATED_TIME_SUP_FIELDS = ( 'created', )
[docs]def get_created_time(context, default=None, policy=DEFAULT_EXTERNALIZATION_POLICY, _write_into=None): """ Find and return a number representing the time since the epoch in fractional seconds at which the ``context`` was created. This is the same value that is used by :func:`to_standard_external_dictionary`, and takes into account whether something is :class:`nti.dataserver.interfaces.ILastModified` or :class:`zope.dublincore.interfaces.IDCTimes`. :return: A number if it can be found, or the value of ``default`` """ # The _write_into argument is for the benefit of # to_standard_external_dictionary holder = _write_into if _write_into is not None else {} choose_field(holder, context, StandardExternalFields.CREATED_TIME, timestamp_to_string if policy.use_iso8601_for_unix_timestamp else None, _CREATED_TIME_FIELDS, # sup_iface, sup_fields, sup_converter IDCTimes, _CREATED_TIME_SUP_FIELDS, (datetime_to_string if policy.use_iso8601_for_unix_timestamp else datetime_to_unix_time)) return holder.get(StandardExternalFields.CREATED_TIME, default)
_CREATOR_FIELDS = ( StandardInternalFields.CREATOR, StandardExternalFields.CREATOR, ) def _system_user_converter(value): # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter if IPrincipal_providedBy(value) and == _SYSTEM_USER_ID: # Catch the system user value = SYSTEM_USER_NAME else: # This is a likely recursion point, we want to be # sure we don't do that. value = text_type(value) return value def get_creator(context, default=None, _write_into=None): for field_name in _CREATOR_FIELDS: result = getattr(context, field_name, None) if result is not None: result = _system_user_converter(result) if _write_into is not None: _write_into[StandardExternalFields.CREATOR] = result return result return default _CONTAINER_FIELDS = ( StandardInternalFields.CONTAINER_ID, ) def get_container_id(context, default=None, _write_into=None): holder = _write_into if _write_into is not None else {} containerId = choose_field(holder, context, StandardExternalFields.CONTAINER_ID, None, _CONTAINER_FIELDS) if containerId is not None: # alias per mobile client request 20150625 holder[StandardInternalFields.CONTAINER_ID] = containerId return holder.get(StandardExternalFields.CONTAINER_ID, default) _EXT_CLASS_IGNORED_MODULES = ( 'nti.externalization', 'nti.externalization.datastructures', 'nti.externalization.persistence', 'nti.externalization.interfaces', 'nti.externalization._base_interfaces', 'nti.externalization.__base_interfaces', ) def get_class(context, _write_into=None): holder = _write_into if _write_into is not None else {} cls = getattr(context, '__external_class_name__', None) if cls is not None and cls: holder[StandardExternalFields.CLASS] = cls else: class_ = context.__class__ class_name = class_.__name__ if (not class_name.startswith('_') and class_.__module__ not in _EXT_CLASS_IGNORED_MODULES): cls = holder[StandardExternalFields.CLASS] = class_name return cls from nti.externalization._compat import import_c_accel # pylint:disable=wrong-import-position,wrong-import-order import_c_accel(globals(), 'nti.externalization.externalization._standard_fields')