Source code for nti.externalization.internalization.updater

# cython: auto_pickle=False,embedsignature=True,always_allow_keywords=False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The driver functions for updating an object from an external form.


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# stdlib imports
    from import MutableSequence
except ImportError: # Python 2
    # pylint:disable=deprecated-class
    from collections import MutableSequence
    from collections import MutableMapping
else: # pragma: no cover
    from import MutableMapping
import inspect
import warnings

from persistent.interfaces import IPersistent
from six import iteritems
from zope import interface
from zope.event import notify as notify_event

from nti.externalization._base_interfaces import PRIMITIVES
from nti.externalization._base_interfaces import NotGiven
from nti.externalization.interfaces import IInternalObjectUpdater
from nti.externalization.interfaces import IInternalObjectIO
from nti.externalization.interfaces import INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder
from nti.externalization.interfaces import ObjectWillUpdateFromExternalEvent

from .factories import find_factory_for
from .events import _notifyModified
from .externals import resolve_externals

IPersistent_providedBy = IPersistent.providedBy

class _RecallArgs(object):
    __slots__ = (

    # We don't have an __init__, we ask the caller
    # to fill us in. In cython, this avoids some
    # unneeded bint->object->bint conversions.

    def __init__(self):
        self.context = None
        self.require_updater = False
        self.notify = True
        self.pre_hook = None
        self.root = None

# Note on caching: We do not expect the updater objects to be proxied.
# So we directly use type() instead of .__class__, which is faster.
# We also do not expect them to be unloaded/updated/unbounded,
# so we use a regular dict to cache info about them, which is faster
# than a WeakKeyDictionary. For the same reason, we use dynamic warning
# strings.

# Support for varying signatures of the updater. This is slow and
# cumbersome and needs to go; we are in the deprecation period now.
# See

_argspec_cache = {}

# update(ext, context) or update(ext, context=None) or update(ext, dataserver)
# exactly two arguments. It doesn't matter what the name is, we'll call it
# positional.
_UPDATE_ARGS_TWO = "update args two"
_UPDATE_ARGS_CONTEXT_KW = "update args **kwargs"
_UPDATE_ARGS_ONE = "update args external only"

def _get_update_signature(updater):
    kind = type(updater)

    spec = _argspec_cache.get(kind)
    if spec is None:
            func = updater.updateFromExternalObject
            if hasattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec'):
                # Python 3. getargspec() is deprecated.
                argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) # pylint:disable=no-member
                keywords = argspec.varkw
            else: # Python 2
                argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) # pylint:disable=deprecated-method
                keywords = argspec.keywords
            args = argspec.args
            defaults = argspec.defaults
        except TypeError: # pragma: no cover (This is hard to catch in pure-python coverage mode)
            # Cython functions and other extension types are "not a Python function"
            # and don't work with this. We assume they use the standard form accepting
            # 'context' as kwarg
            spec = _UPDATE_ARGS_CONTEXT_KW
            # argspec.args contains the names of all the parameters.
            # argspec.keywords, if not none, is the name of the **kwarg
            # These all must be methods (or at least classmethods), having
            # an extra 'self' argument.
            if not keywords:
                # No **kwarg, good!
                if len(args) == 3:
                    # update(ext, context) or update(ext, context=None) or update(ext, dataserver)
                    spec = _UPDATE_ARGS_TWO
                    # update(ext)
                    spec = _UPDATE_ARGS_ONE
                if len(args) == 3:
                    # update(ext, context, **kwargs) or update(ext, dataserver, **kwargs)
                    spec = _UPDATE_ARGS_TWO
                elif keywords.startswith("unused") or keywords.startswith('_'):
                    spec = _UPDATE_ARGS_ONE
                    spec = _UPDATE_ARGS_CONTEXT_KW

            if 'dataserver' in args and defaults and len(defaults) >= 1:
                warnings.warn("The type %r still uses updateFromExternalObject(dataserver=None). "
                              "Please change to context=None." % (kind,),

        _argspec_cache[kind] = spec

    return spec

_usable_updateFromExternalObject_cache = {}

def _obj_has_usable_updateFromExternalObject(obj):
    kind = type(obj)

    usable_from = _usable_updateFromExternalObject_cache.get(kind)
    if usable_from is None:
        has_update = hasattr(obj, 'updateFromExternalObject')
        if not has_update:
            usable_from = False
            wants_ignore = getattr(obj, '__ext_ignore_updateFromExternalObject__', False)
            usable_from = not wants_ignore
            if wants_ignore:
                warnings.warn("The type %r has __ext_ignore_updateFromExternalObject__=True. "
                              "Please remove updateFromExternalObject from the type." % (kind,),

        _usable_updateFromExternalObject_cache[kind] = usable_from

    return usable_from

    from zope.testing import cleanup # pylint:disable=ungrouped-imports
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover

class DefaultInternalObjectFactoryFinder(object):

    def find_factory_for_named_value(self, name, value): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
        return find_factory_for(value)

interface.classImplements(DefaultInternalObjectFactoryFinder, INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder)

_default_factory_finder = DefaultInternalObjectFactoryFinder()

[docs]def update_from_external_object(containedObject, externalObject, registry=NotGiven, context=None, require_updater=False, notify=True, pre_hook=None): # pylint:disable=line-too-long """ update_from_external_object(containedObject, externalObject, context=None, require_updater=False, notify=True) Central method for updating objects from external values. :param containedObject: The object to update. :param externalObject: The object (typically a mapping or sequence) to update the object from. Usually this is obtained by parsing an external format like JSON. :param context: An object passed to the update methods. :param require_updater: If True (not the default) an exception will be raised if no implementation of :class:`~nti.externalization.interfaces.IInternalObjectUpdater` can be found for the *containedObject.* :keyword bool notify: If ``True`` (the default), then if the updater for the *containedObject* either has no preference (returns None) or indicates that the object has changed, then an :class:`~nti.externalization.interfaces.IObjectModifiedFromExternalEvent` will be fired. This may be a recursive process so a top-level call to this object may spawn multiple events. The events that are fired will have a ``descriptions`` list containing one or more :class:`~zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces.IAttributes` each with ``attributes`` for each attribute we modify (assuming that the keys in the ``externalObject`` map one-to-one to an attribute; if this is the case and we can also find an interface declaring the attribute, then the ``IAttributes`` will have the right value for ``interface`` as well). :keyword callable pre_hook: If given, called with the before update_from_external_object is called for every nested object. Signature ``f(k,x)`` where ``k`` is either the key name, or None in the case of a sequence and ``x`` is the external object. Deprecated. :return: *containedObject* after updates from *externalObject* Notifies `~.IObjectModifiedFromExternalEvent` for each object that is modified, and `~.IObjectWillUpdateFromExternalEvent` before doing so. .. seealso:: `~.INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder` .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0a2 Remove the ``object_hook`` parameter. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.3 Correctly file `~.IObjectWillUpdateFromExternalEvent` before updating each object. """ if pre_hook is not None: # pragma: no cover for i in range(3): warnings.warn('pre_hook is deprecated', FutureWarning, stacklevel=i) if registry is not NotGiven: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "registry is deprecated and ignored. Call in a correct site.", FutureWarning ) kwargs = _RecallArgs() kwargs.context = context kwargs.require_updater = require_updater kwargs.notify = notify kwargs.pre_hook = pre_hook kwargs.root = containedObject return _update_from_external_object(containedObject, externalObject, kwargs)
def _invoke_factory(factory, value): # TODO: Add wrappers when we create the factories in ZCML # so we can always pass the argument? if getattr(factory, '__external_factory_wants_arg__', False): return factory(value) return factory() def _update_sequence( externalObject, args, destination_name=None, find_factory_for_named_value=_default_factory_finder.find_factory_for_named_value): for index, value in enumerate(externalObject): if args.pre_hook is not None: # pragma: no cover args.pre_hook(None, value) factory = find_factory_for_named_value(destination_name, value) if factory is not None: new_obj = _invoke_factory(factory, value) value = _update_from_external_object(new_obj, value, args) externalObject[index] = value return externalObject def _invoke_updater(containedObject, externalObject, updater, external_keys, args): # *externalObject* should have all of its values already updated # at this point. # Let the updater resolve externals resolve_externals(updater, containedObject, externalObject, context=args.context) updated = None # The signature may vary. arg_kind = _get_update_signature(updater) if arg_kind is _UPDATE_ARGS_TWO: updated = updater.updateFromExternalObject(externalObject, args.context) elif arg_kind is _UPDATE_ARGS_ONE: updated = updater.updateFromExternalObject(externalObject) else: updated = updater.updateFromExternalObject(externalObject, context=args.context) # Broadcast a modified event if the object seems to have changed. if args.notify and (updated is None or updated): _notifyModified(containedObject, externalObject, updater, external_keys, _EMPTY_DICT) def _find_INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder(containedObject): updater = INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder(containedObject, None) if updater is None: # Ok, check to see if an instance of the old root interface # InternalObjectIO is there and also provides INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder; # if so, there's a bad ZCML registration. updater = IInternalObjectIO(containedObject, None) if INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder.providedBy(updater): # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter warnings.warn( "The adapter %r was registered as IInternalObjectIO when it should be " "IInternalObjectIOFinder; a provides= ZCML directive is probably outdated. " "If the object extends InterfacObjectIO, no provides= is usually necessary." % (updater,), UserWarning ) else: updater = None if updater is None: updater = _default_factory_finder return updater def _update_from_external_object(containedObject, externalObject, args): # Parse any contained objects # TODO: We're (deliberately?) not actually updating any contained # objects, we're replacing them. Is that right? We could check OIDs... # If we decide that's right, then the internals could be simplified by # splitting the two parts # TODO: Should the current user impact on this process? if IPersistent_providedBy(containedObject): # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter # pylint:disable=protected-access containedObject._v_updated_from_external_source = externalObject # Sequences do not represent python types, they represent collections of # python types. Note that we don't touch the containedObject in this branch! if isinstance(externalObject, MutableSequence): return _update_sequence(externalObject, args) assert isinstance(externalObject, MutableMapping), externalObject factory_finder = _find_INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder(containedObject) find_factory_for_named_value = factory_finder.find_factory_for_named_value # We have to save the list of keys, it's common that they get popped during the update # process, and then we have no descriptions to send external_keys = [] for k, v in iteritems(externalObject): external_keys.append(k) if isinstance(v, PRIMITIVES): continue if args.pre_hook is not None: # pragma: no cover args.pre_hook(k, v) if isinstance(v, MutableSequence): # Update the sequence in-place _update_sequence(v, args, k, find_factory_for_named_value) else: factory = find_factory_for_named_value(k, v) # pylint:disable=assignment-from-no-return, too-many-function-args if factory is not None: new_obj = _invoke_factory(factory, v) externalObject[k] = _update_from_external_object(new_obj, v, args) if _obj_has_usable_updateFromExternalObject(containedObject): # legacy support. The __ext_ignore_updateFromExternalObject__ # allows a transition to an adapter without changing # existing callers and without triggering infinite recursion updater = containedObject else: # It's possible for INamedExternalizedObjectFactoryFinder and # IInternalObjectUpdater to be registered at two different levels # of specificity, so we need to look up IInternalObjectUpdater, # not test if it's provided by what we already have. if args.require_updater and not isinstance(containedObject, dict): updater = IInternalObjectUpdater(containedObject) else: updater = IInternalObjectUpdater(containedObject, None) if updater is not None: notify_event(ObjectWillUpdateFromExternalEvent(containedObject, externalObject, args.root)) _invoke_updater(containedObject, externalObject, updater, external_keys, args) return containedObject from nti.externalization._compat import import_c_accel # pylint:disable=wrong-import-position,wrong-import-order import_c_accel(globals(), 'nti.externalization.internalization._updater')