Source code for nti.externalization.representation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
External representation support.

The provided implementations of
`~nti.externalization.interfaces.IExternalObjectIO` live here. We
provide and register two, one for `JSON <.EXT_REPR_JSON>` and one for

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import decimal
import warnings

from persistent import Persistent
from ZODB.POSException import POSError
import simplejson
import yaml
from zope import component
from zope import interface

from ._base_interfaces import NotGiven as _NotGiven
from .externalization import toExternalObject
from .interfaces import EXT_REPR_JSON
from .interfaces import EXT_REPR_YAML
from .interfaces import IExternalObjectIO
from .interfaces import IExternalObjectRepresenter

__all__ = [

# Driver functions

[docs]def to_external_representation(obj, ext_format=EXT_REPR_JSON, name=_NotGiven, registry=_NotGiven): """ to_external_representation(obj, ext_format='json', name=NotGiven) -> str Transforms (and returns) the *obj* into its external (string) representation. Uses :func:`nti.externalization.to_external_object`, passing in the *name*. :param str ext_format: One of `.EXT_REPR_JSON` or `.EXT_REPR_YAML`, or the name of some other utility that implements `~nti.externalization.interfaces.IExternalObjectRepresenter` """ if registry is not _NotGiven: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "The registry argument is ignored. Call in a correct site.", FutureWarning ) # It would seem nice to be able to do this in one step during # the externalization process itself, but we would wind up traversing # parts of the datastructure more than necessary. Here we traverse # the whole thing exactly twice. ext = toExternalObject(obj, name=name) return component.getUtility(IExternalObjectRepresenter, name=ext_format).dump(ext)
[docs]def to_json_representation(obj): """ A convenience function that calls :func:`to_external_representation` with `.EXT_REPR_JSON`. """ return to_external_representation(obj, EXT_REPR_JSON)
# JSON def _second_pass_to_external_object(obj): result = toExternalObject(obj, name='second-pass') if result is obj: raise TypeError(repr(obj) + " is not serializable") return result @interface.named(EXT_REPR_JSON) @interface.implementer(IExternalObjectIO) class JsonRepresenter(object): _DUMP_ARGS = dict(check_circular=False, sort_keys=__debug__, # Makes testing easier default=_second_pass_to_external_object) def dump(self, obj, fp=None): """ Given an object that is known to already be in an externalized form, convert it to JSON. This can be about 10% faster then requiring a pass across all the sub-objects of the object to check that they are in external form, while still handling a few corner cases with a second-pass conversion. (These things creep in during the object decorator phase and are usually links.) """ if fp: return simplejson.dump(obj, fp, **self._DUMP_ARGS) return simplejson.dumps(obj, **self._DUMP_ARGS) def load(self, stream): # We need all string values to be unicode objects. simplejson is different from # the built-in json and returns strings that can be represented as ascii as str # objects if the input was a bytestring. # The only way to get it to return unicode is if the input is unicode, or # to use a hook to do so incrementally. The hook saves allocating the entire request body # as a unicode string in memory and is marginally faster in some cases. However, # the hooks gets to be complicated if it correctly catches everything (inside arrays, # for example; the function below misses them) so decoding to unicode up front # is simpler if isinstance(stream, bytes): stream = stream.decode('utf-8') value = simplejson.loads(stream) # Depending on whether the simplejson C speedups are active, we can still # get back a non-unicode string if the object was a naked string. (If the python # version is used, it returns unicode; the C version returns str.) if isinstance(value, bytes): # we know it's simple ascii or it would have produced unicode value = value.decode("ascii") return value to_json_representation_externalized = JsonRepresenter().dump # YAML class _ExtDumper(yaml.SafeDumper): """ We want to represent all of our special object types, like LocatedExternalList/Dict and the ContentFragment subtypes, as plain yaml data structures. Therefore we must register their base types as multi-representers. """ # The difference between 'add_representer' and 'add_multi_representer' # is that the multi version accepts subclasses, but the plain version # requires an exact type match. _ExtDumper.add_multi_representer(list, _ExtDumper.represent_list) _ExtDumper.add_multi_representer(dict, _ExtDumper.represent_dict) if str is bytes: # Python 2 # pylint:disable=undefined-variable,no-member _ExtDumper.add_multi_representer(unicode, _ExtDumper.represent_unicode) else: # Python 3 _ExtDumper.add_multi_representer(str, _ExtDumper.represent_str) def _yaml_represent_decimal(dumper, data): s = str(data) if '.' not in s: try: int(s) except ValueError: pass else: return dumper.represent_int(data) if data.is_nan(): return dumper.represent_float(float('nan')) if data.is_infinite(): return dumper.represent_float(float('-inf') if data.is_signed() else float('+inf')) return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:float', str(data).lower()) _ExtDumper.add_representer(decimal.Decimal, _yaml_represent_decimal) # PyYAML uses the multi dumper on ``None`` as the fallback when # nothing else can be found. def _yaml_represent_unknown(dumper, data): ext_obj = _second_pass_to_external_object(data) return dumper.represent_data(ext_obj) _ExtDumper.add_multi_representer(None, _yaml_represent_unknown) class _UnicodeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): def construct_yaml_str(self, node): # yaml defines strings to be unicode, but # the default reader encodes anything that can be # represented as ASCII back to bytes. We don't # want that. return self.construct_scalar(node) _UnicodeLoader.add_constructor(u',2002:str', _UnicodeLoader.construct_yaml_str) @interface.named(EXT_REPR_YAML) @interface.implementer(IExternalObjectIO) class YamlRepresenter(object): def dump(self, obj, fp=None): # The default_flow_style changed in PyYaml 5.1 from None to False. # Using False produces multi-line, indented, verbose output. While being human readable, # this consumes space and eliminates simple parsing with JSON. Using True # produces JSON-compatible output in many cases. Using None (the old default) # produces backwards-compatible output that's a hybrid of indented and JSON-like. # return yaml.dump(obj, stream=fp, Dumper=_ExtDumper, default_flow_style=True) def load(self, stream): return yaml.load(stream, Loader=_UnicodeLoader) # Misc def _type_name(self): t = type(self) type_name = t.__module__ + '.' + t.__name__ return type_name def _default_repr(self): # When we're executing, even if we're wrapped in a proxy when called, # we get an unwrapped self. return "<%s at %x %s>" % (_type_name(self), id(self), self.__dict__) def make_repr(default=_default_repr): default = default if callable(default) else _default_repr def __repr__(self): try: return default(self) except POSError as cse: return '<%s(Ghost, %r)>' % (_type_name(self), cse) except (ValueError, LookupError, AttributeError) as e: # Things like invalid NTIID, missing registrations for the first two. # The final would be a weird database-related issue. return '<%s(%r)>' % (_type_name(self), e) return __repr__ class _PReprException(Exception): # Raised for the sole purpose of carrying a smuggled # repr. def __init__(self, value): Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __repr__(self): return self.value def _add_repr_to_cls(cls, default=_default_repr): if issubclass(cls, Persistent): # Persistent 4.4 includes the OID and JAR repr # by default, and catches all the exceptions that our # make_repr would catch, handling them much better. We only want the # __dict__ in there by default, though if default is _default_repr: default = lambda self: repr(self.__dict__) def _p_repr(self): raise _PReprException(default(self)) cls._p_repr = _p_repr else: cls.__repr__ = make_repr(default) return cls
[docs]def WithRepr(default=_default_repr): """ A class decorator factory to give a ``__repr__`` to the object. Useful for persistent objects. :param default: A callable to be used for the default value. """ # If we get one argument that is a type, we were # called bare (@WithRepr), so decorate the type if isinstance(default, type): return _add_repr_to_cls(default) # If we got None or anything else, we were called as a factory, # so return a decorator return lambda cls: _add_repr_to_cls(cls, default)